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5 その他の生産物に関する話題(261)

1 管理者 : 2004-07-13 01:20:21 [zXIVQd5A]

234 chkktri : 2012-08-09 02:29:28 [pEwGMvsI]
Hello, let's hope english is not unwelcome here.
I'm not sure if I'm writing to correct thread so please
forgive me if I'm wrong orz
(Google translates it as "Other topics related to product")

As I can see RuRuRu visits this place sometimes so here's
message to him:

I have 2 questions about your S98amp version:
1. Why native sample rate is 55466Hz?
In most programs it's 55467Hz.
2. Is it possible to show S98v1 title tag as song title?
I get only filename^^;
3. What kind of S98 processing tools do exist? I mean what's
their purpose (the only thing I know is that s98ls finds
loop in S98 file)
[End of RuRuRu message]

UME-3 visits this place too (I feel guilty for bugging him
in twitter ;_;) so here's message to him and probably this
site's owner:

1. Where can i find info on PC88's diskette format? I want
to extract data from some of the disks but looks like
it's hidden in some way (probably by moving filetable
to another place)
2. More exactly, is it possible to somehow detect PMD data
on disk? Looks like it doesn't have any header.

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